Hey friends, I bring you greetings this season. A great pleasure to congratulate you for the opportunity you have to read this. Guess what? That's because you are alive. Someone somewhere somehow needs this opportunity but struggling with it. Possibly because of lack of fortune or otherwise that humanity may have failed them.

I like to get you close to consider our collective efforts to humanity. From our neighborhood to the populace and global view. The human race which includes everyone on Earth is humanity. It’s also a word for the qualities that make us human, such as the ability to love and have compassion, be creative, and not be a robot or alien....

I need to ask you a quick question. What's the quality that makes you a human? That you have hands, eyes, can walk and other physical features? No, not that! What makes you a human is simply your act, your way of life, how you treat people. You are either human or inhumane. The former is positive while the later is obversely negative.... Being human revolves around our routines. Have you ever take a bow for a day and go back home, asked yourself a few questions on how your day went? Have asked if the way you treated people that very day was so positive and and commendable? You can tell well if your attitude is kind or not. Hey don't rush, we will take a good look at kindness.

Helping fellow humans does not require having much before we can. I saw a young lady striving but helping another lady to achieve what she wanted. Ordinarily, I'd pass quick and quietly without interference. But was amazed that when who needs help was striving to help another. That's humanity coming from kindness.

March 1st 2022, I reminisce an incident. I was traveling within Lagos when I saw huge crowd at a bus stop. Thinking inwardly what could be reason for the crowd. Usually, Lagos is a funny city where often one would see gatherings of different kind with no cause but this was hugely different. Enquiring about that speaks it's result of lack of fuel causing shortage of vehicles and leaving Lagocians stranded. I quietly talked to my fellows and postponed journey for another day. What strucked but lifted my heart was a lady who discovered that another lady was in haste and did not have much money to embark on the hike motor price from Obalende to Ajah. She dropped from the vehicle and asked the other to take her sit as her journey was not as important as the other lady while she completed her tfair. I was left with no words, short that I cannot explain or imagine if good people like that still live within the city. That's an act of kindness.

I sure know you would ask or think if it's the usual kindness you know. Ofcause, it is. It's simply being nice to others. As you examine kindness further, you'd understand that a number of important dimensions will begin to unfold. Kindness is being generous with others, giving your time, money, and talent to support those who are in need. Kindness is being compassionate, which means to really be there for someone, listening intently to their suffering or just sitting with them and silently supporting them. Such compassion involves a deep concern for the welfare of others. Kindness is also being nurturing and caring to others — to enjoy doing favors for them, to take care of them, and to perform good deeds. I discovered that the lady that dropped for the other got this happiness in her looks. She was happy that she helped someone fasten her mission.

Kind individuals believe that others are worthy of attention and affirmation for their own sake as human beings, not out of a sense of duty or principle. There are three traits of altruistic personalities which in subsequent time we shall see through. These are empathy/sympathy, moral reasoning and social responsibility.

You have a responsibility to carry out daily. Be responsible for humanity. Be responsible for the success of others, be responsible for their happiness, be responsible for their breakthroughs and upliftment and then you'd see total happiness within you.

Please take a step and walk with me while we continue this journey of supporting humanity together.....

Anticipate the human way of life.


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